Christmas cactus
The Spruce / Kara Riley

It can be challenging to maintain enough humidity to grow tropical houseplants. This is not a problem for cactus lovers, as these desert plants appreciate dry air and average room temperatures. Most cactus species are low-maintenance and grow well indoors in soil with good drainage. Although sun is necessary for indoor cactus health, many species need just a few hours daily.

These popular varieties’ slow growth and easy care requirements will add charm to mixed container plantings and make elegant standalone specimens. Numerous species come in different shapes and sizes. Learn if the type of cactus houseplant you choose has a dormant period in the winter that requires less light and less watering or if you can expect it to flower. Another thing to note when selecting a cactus vs. a succulent is that all cacti are considered succulents, but not all succulents are cacti.

Read on to discover what types of cacti thrive as houseplants to help you decide on the best indoor cactus.


Although cacti are non-toxic to pets, some have sharp spines that could become embedded in your pet’s paws or tongue. Always be mindful about when you place your cacti in your home.

  • 01of 10

    Angel Wings Cactus

    angel wings cactus
    The Spruce

    The angel wings cactus (Opunta albispina), also known as the bunny ears cactus, is a member of the prickly pear family that grows evenly spaced clusters of hairs rather than sharp spines. The Mexican native grows clusters of pads that get no larger than 2 feet tall but can grow up to five feet across over time, making this one of the more popular small indoor cactus types. Proper pruning can help keep this plant small. Pale yellow blooms are followed by red, edible fruits on plants that receive a full day of sun.

    • Name: Angel wings cactus (Opuntua albispina)
    • Light: Full sun
    • Water: Moisten; don’t soak
    • Color varieties: Pale yellow
    • Difficulty: Needy
  • 02of 10

    Star Cactus

    rat tail cactus
    The Spruce / Kara Riley

    If your sunniest window does not have the space to accommodate a container, the fantastic star cactus (Aporocactus flagelliformis) or rat’s tail cactus is suitable for indoor hanging baskets. This plant is indigenous to Mexico, where its vibrant magenta blooms have been used in traditional medicines for heart problems. Choose a generously sized hanging basket for this fast-growing cactus—the thick stems can trail for 3 feet.

    • Name: Star cactus (Aporocactus flagelliformis)
    • Light: Direct light
    • Water: Water regularly
    • Color varieties: Violet-red, pink, and orange
    • Difficulty: Needy
  • 03of 10

    African Milk Tree

    Euphorbia trigona

    African milk tree cactus (Euphorbia trigona) is an easy cactus specimen that makes every grower feel like an expert. Also known as the cathedral plant, this cactus can grow more than 8 feet tall, but it is a slow grower and is unlikely to stretch much past 4 feet indoors. Small green leaves grow between thorns on the ridged stems; if you grow the Rubra variety, the leaves are reddish-purple. If you plant it in soil with good drainage and water it twice a month, your African milk tree may live for decades.

    • Name: African milk tree cactus (Euphorbia trigona)
    • Light: Full sun to partial shade
    • Water: Twice a month
    • Color varieties: Reddish-purple leaves
    • Difficulty: Low maintenance
  • 04of 10

    Saguaro Cactus

    Potted saguaro alongside other cactus plants
    Naomi Rahim / Getty Images

    Anyone who has visited the Sonoran desert will remember the sight of a 40-foot saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea) punctuating the landscape. These majestic plants may live for two centuries, and it can take up to 40 years for flowering to occur. The slow growth rate of this cactus makes it possible to grow one for many years as an indoor houseplant as well. Give your saguaro as much light as possible and water sparingly about once a month.

    • Name: Saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea)
    • Light: Full sun
    • Water: Every 10 to 14 days
    • Color varieties: White with yellow centers
    • Difficulty: Low maintenance

      Old Lady Cactus

      Old Lady Cactus
      Clive NIchols / Getty Images

      The old lady cactus (Mammillaria hahniana) variety is as full of personality as its name suggests. Mammillaria hahniana forms small colonies of 10-inch tall spheres with white hairs and spines. Healthy plants may feature a halo of pink blooms like a crown atop a head. Plant this cactus in a sandy potting mix, water it every other week, and in winter, water it monthly.

      • Name: Old lady cactus (Mammillaria hahniana)
      • Light: Bright, even light
      • Water: Bi-weekly to monthly
      • Color varieties: Pink
      • Difficulty: Low maintenance
  • 06of 10

    Bishop’s Cap

    Bishop cap
    haloviss / Getty Images

    The simple, sphere shape of the bishop’s cap Astrophytum ornatum (also known as monk’s hood) looks striking with decorative gravel or mulch and a substantial ceramic pot. Stiff spikes cover deeply ridged spheres, which can attain several feet in height, making this a potentially large indoor cactus. The plants often develop a white frosty coating that may look like a disease but is a defense mechanism to protect the plant from the sun. Water it infrequently and provide plenty of hot, sunny conditions if you want to see the yellow blooms develop.

    • Name: Bishop’s cap cactus (Astrophytum ornatum)
    • Light: Full sunlight
    • Water: Infrequently
    • Color varieties: Yellow
    • Difficulty: Needy
  • 07of 10

    Christmas Cactus

    Christmas cactus
    The Spruce / Kara Riley

    The Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii) is pretty toothless as far as the cactus family goes with its smooth segmented leaves and soft, rounded spines. Tubular flowers come in red, pink, orange, and white. This cactus species is a departure from normal cactus care. The plant hails from Brazilian rain forests, where they live as epiphytes growing on other tree branches. Give these plants filtered light and moderate irrigation. The plants may rebloom if exposed to cooler temperatures between 50°F and 60°F as winter approaches.

    • Name: Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii)
    • Light: Diffused light
    • Water: Regularly, allow the soil to dry between waterings
    • Color varieties: Pink
    • Difficulty: Low maintenance
  • 08of 10

    Barrel Cactus

    barrel cactus
    The Spruce / Krystal Slagle

    The barrel cactus (Echinocactus genus) lives up to its other common name, fierce cactus. Also known as a globe cactus, It is covered with long, rigid spines that protect its juicy, edible pulp. The barrel cactus may live for many decades and eventually reaches a maximum height of 8 to 10 feet when growing outdoors. It can still become a sizable indoor cactus topping at 3 feet tall. As a houseplant, the barrel cactus craves as much sun as you can provide and scant irrigation coupled with a loose, sandy potting mix.

    • Name: Barrel cactus (Echinocactus genus)
    • Light: Partial to full sun
    • Water: Sparingly, allowing the soil to dry between waterings
    • Color varieties: Brownish-yellow to orange
    • Difficulty: Needy
  • Moon Cactus

    moon cactus
    tsvibrav / Getty Images

    The moon cactus (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii) is a hybrid species known for its bold colors ranging from neon yellow to hot pink. It rarely blooms but will produce showy flowers in multiple colors. It grows up to 12 inches tall and a few inches wide and has tiny clusters of short spines. The top of the cactus is more sensitive to bright sun than the bottom, making it well-suited indoors. Soil with a sandy, gritty texture and space for aeration is perfect for a moon cactus.

    • Name: Moon cactus (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii)
    • Light: Partial sunlight
    • Water: Water thoroughly, and allow to dry out in between. Stop in winter.
    • Color varieties: Orange, pink
    • Difficulty: Low maintenance
  • 10of 10

    Easter Cactus

    Easter cactus plant with pink flowers and buds in black pot closeup
    The Spruce / Krystal Slagle

    The Easter cactus (Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri) is a tropical cactus known for its two-inch-long, star-shaped blooms, which appear in various colors near Easter in spring. In the wild, the cactus prefers rocks, trees, and other plants as substrate, but loose, well-draining soil will do in the house. The Easter cactus can reach a foot tall and twice as wide. Pruning yearly will encourage reblooming.

    • Name: Easter cactus (Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri)
    • Light: Partial, dappled sunlight
    • Water: Allow the water to fully soak in and drain. Taper off in late fall.
    • Color varieties: Red, pink, purple, orange, white
    • Difficulty: Low maintenance

  • Which indoor cactus variety is the best for beginners?

    The barrel cactus makes a great first cactus plant. These hardy plants thrive for many years if they have sufficient sun exposure.

  • What is the best room to place an indoor cactus in?

    Any room with a warm spot and a few hours of direct sunlight is best. Supplementary lighting can help if you only have north-facing windows.

  • Which indoor cacti are the most low-maintenance?

    The African milk tree cactus is genuinely low-maintenance. All it needs is well-draining soil and twice-monthly watering, and it can live for decades.

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